Past events during our fourth year!
New! Click here to nominate yourself or someone else to be a speaker at a Home Church Brunch event!

Angels of Mercy and Light: A BYO Hybrid Saturday Brunch
December 14, 2024
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
Chaplain Jeannette Cruz and her team of street chaplains from International Christian Chaplains Lion of Judah will tell us about their ministry to the most vulnerable communities in need. Come and hear the truly inspiring stories of these dedicated angels of mercy and light, who foster a compassionate and inclusive environment for all. Brunch is Bring-Your-Own in Cairnwood Village's Sunroom, with complimentary tea, coffee and seasonal treats available.

Healing the Pain of Polarization: A Deborah's Tree Half-Day Retreat
November 16, 2024
8:00 AM
12:00 PM
Most people would agree that we are living in very divisive times, around the world. The fall retreat for Deborah's Tree will address healing the pain of our polarization, through considering our oppositional tendencies and collaborative potentials. The morning-only retreat will be held at the Lord's New Church in Bryn Athyn, PA, starting with continental breakfast.

BYO Saturday Brunch: Worship Is Life
November 2, 2024
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
Rev. Sage Cole will speak to us via Zoom about her online ministry, "Worship is Life: Be Love, Be Honest, Be Useful," which is part of the Helen Keller Spiritual Life Collaborative. Find out more about Rev. Cole's initiatives at the Bring-Your-Own Brunch in Cairnwood Village's Sunroom, hosted by the Home Church in Bryn Athyn.
Complimentary tea and coffee will be available.

"I'm Only Human, Part 2": A BYO Saturday Brunch
October 5, 2024
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
In this follow-up talk, Roslyn Taylor will review her earlier talk on the sacred Human form and its manifestation in everything and everybody. But how does this arcane concept help us in our everyday lives? Join the discussion at the Bring- Your-Own Brunch in Cairnwood Village's Sunroom, hosted by the Home Church in Bryn Athyn. Complimentary tea and coffee will be available.

A Spiritual Journey: Creating the 2025 Calendar “Messages of Resilience Around the World”
September 7, 2024
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
Page Morahan will describe her process of creating the calendar – how she approaches deciding on the spiritual theme, selecting the quotes, selecting and editing the photographs she has taken from five continents, and pairing the images and quotes. There will be a drawing for a desk calendar! Brunch is Bring-Your-Own in Cairnwood Village's Sunroom, with complimentary tea and coffee available.

Spiritually Transformative Small Groups: The Future of the Church
August 3, 2024
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
Clark Echols will give a concise history of New Church small groups, starting with Peter Rhodes's "Work" groups, Frank Rose's model, and the current proliferation throughout the Swedenborgian/New Church branches. After reviewing principles from the Heavenly Doctrines, psychology and physiology that explain why small groups are spiritually transformative, he will lead an exercise to illustrate how effective the model is. Brunch is Bring-Your-Own in Cairnwood Village's Sunroom, with complimentary tea and coffee available. Brunch is BYO and hybrid on Zoom.

Nunc Licet, or, You Are Not the Boss of Me
July 6, 2024
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
Who is in charge of your beliefs? Come hear speaker Lori Jane Nelson's interpretation of what the Writings say about this, with emphasis on the Nunc Licet statement, and the commonly mentioned “doctrine divides and charity unites.” Brunch is BYO in the Cairnwood Village Sunroom.

The Seer and the King: Emanuel Swedenborg, Charles XII, and the Love of Power
June 1, 2024
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
As a young man, Swedenborg's relationship with King Charles XII of Sweden had a profound effect on his ethical framework and personal development. We can see from his letters and diaries how the king’s behavior and his “love of ruling from a love of self” became symbolic of the embodiment of evil and a source of troubling visionary experiences for the young seer. This story of authoritarianism, greed, sexual violence, and court intrigue lies at the roots of the Swedenborgian tradition, and it is important for those who would strive to become “The New Church” to know and learn from.
WARNING: It is said that history which does not make you uncomfortable is propaganda. With that in mind, this presentation will include graphic and potentially upsetting primary source material in its original, unedited form. Join us at the Cairnwood Village Sun Room. Brunch is BYO.

Walking The Path with Ros: Hybrid BYO Brunch
May 11, 2024
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
Enjoy some beautiful scenery and learn about the Swedenborgian/New Church communities in Australia, in Rev. Roslyn Taylor's slideshow about her recent travels! This talk is an update on the "Walking the Path with Ros" blog. Brunch is Bring-Your-Own in Cairnwood Village's Sunroom, with coffee and tea available.

The Journey to Finding Yourself
May 4, 2024
8:30 AM
11:30 AM
Join us for a Deborah's Tree hybrid mini-retreat at the Lord's New Church. We will hear stories of self-discovery, consider Swedenborgian perspectives on the self we want to discover, and get help for the journey through contemplative and creative activities. Breakfast and snacks will be served and admission is $15.00 for in-person attendees who plan to partake in breakfast, $10.00 for in-person attendees who do not plan to join us for breakfast, and free for those attending on Zoom. Registration link is below.

"Eagles, Magpies and Owls, Oh My!":
Symbols of Faith in
Swedenborg’s Writings
by Shawn Rose
April 6, 2024
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
Join us at Cairnwood Village’s Sun Room for an exploration of the different types of faith described in Swedenborg’s Writings, and a discussion of what they mean in our lives today. Brunch is bring-your-own.

Traditional and Alternative General Church: A Hybrid Brunch
March 2, 2024
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
Linda Simonetti Odhner shares her experience and reflections about two streams of thought she calls the "Traditional General Church" and the "Alternative General Church." You are invited to contribute your own ideas about what these entities are, how they differ from each other, and how to move forward in spiritual community. Brunch is Bring-Your-Own in Cairnwood Village's Sunroom.

BYO Hybrid Brunch: Marguerite Beck Block: The Woman Behind "New Church in the New World"
February 3, 2024
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
Explore the fascinating life of Dr. Marguerite Beck Block, author of "New Church in the New World," in Rev. Chris Barber's illustrated talk drawn from his ongoing research into her multifaceted story! This is a reprise of a talk given previously at the Swedenborgian Church of North America. Brunch is Bring-Your-Own in Cairnwood Village's Dining Room.

Why Worry? We Were Told This Would Happen - A Saturday Hybrid Brunch
January 6, 2024
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
Our congregations are shrinking, churches are closing, "none" is the fastest growing religious affiliation in the USA. Why are we worried? Rev. Roslyn Taylor hopes to decrease your anxiety by showing how Swedenborgian theology predicts these exact trends, and how you might embrace them. Brunch is Bring-Your-Own in Cairnwood Village's Sunroom, with tea and coffee available.