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Nominate yourself or someone else to give one of our Brunch Talks!
Do you or someone you know have a talk you would like to share with the Swedenborgian/New Church community and/or the wider world? Home Church runs monthly Brunch events in Bryn Athyn, each month featuring a new speaker. Zoom and video production for these events are sponsored by Deborah's Tree. While we have had a lot of luck in recruiting speakers in the past, we realize there may be voices in the community that we have not heard from previously, and may not have known to ask. So, in an effort to be more inclusive, we are asking for speaker nominations. There are two forms below, one for if you wish to nominate yourself to be a speaker at a Home Church Brunch, and another if you wish to nominate someone else.
Please use the "Nominate Yourself!" form to nominate yourself if:
* You wish to speak on a topic you believe would be of interest to Swedenborgian/New Church people and
* You can present for 1.5 hours on a "first Saturday of the month" between 10am and 11:30am.
Please scroll down further and use the "Nominate Someone Else!" form below to nominate another person if:
* You believe their topic, presentation or performance would be of interest to Swedenborgian/New Church people and
* You can provide a reliable means for us to contact them (an e-mail or phone number, etc.)
We will select presentations that best meet the needs of our organizations from the pool of ideas on an ongoing basis. You may submit more than one topic or speaker.
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