Updates about both in-person and online events and spirituality groups within the Swedenborgian faith community.
(Hover over the EVENTS tab to see past events from previous years.)
New! Click here to nominate yourself or someone else to be a speaker at a Home Church Brunch event!
Coming Soon
BYO Saturday Brunch: Restoring a Sacred Place: The Church of the Holy City
February 1, 2025
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
The Church of the Holy City is a 167-year old Swedenborgian Church in Wilmington Delaware, which has just been awarded a prestigious and competitive National Fund for Sacred Places challenge grant. The church's pastor, Rev. Shada Sullivan, will talk about the church's history, and how you can help this vibrant and historic New Church match the
challenge grant and continue being a blessing to its community for many years to come. The Bring-Your-Own Brunch is in Cairnwood Village's Sunroom.
BYO Saturday Brunch: Home Church Art Show
January 4, 2025
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
Five artists from the Home Church in Bryn Athyn will be displaying their work for the Saturday Brunch in the New Year. Enjoy their art, and hear about their inspiration and creative processes. The Bring-Your-Own Brunch is in Cairnwood Village's dining room this time, with complimentary tea and coffee available.