Pictures from the Deborah's Tree Launch Celebration, 10/2/2021

Roslyn welcomes us to the launch of Deborah's Tree!

Julie talks about her role as Board Member/Treasurer
of Deborah's Tree.

We have audience participation!

Helen delivers her speech about Swedenborgian women's contributions (in the context of being editor of the Theta Alpha Journal) over Zoom!
Eleanor shares her research idea about how Hindus react to Swedenborg.
Dawn discusses controversy-- what should we do if two sides of a debate both want to be included?
Only one table of people are brave enough to sit in the sun!

There's a lot to listen to and think about.

Linda talks about how difficult it is to make a space that includes everyone, since some groups can feel unwelcome if other groups are included.

Liz talks about the importance of Swedenborgian women having a platform and why it means a lot to her.

Mandy and others remain sitting to speak.
Siti shares her interest in the topics of gender and sexual orientation.
Nancy talks about how we are all (including women) images and likenesses of the Lord.

Shawn reminds us that the love/wisdom gender associations are flip-flopped in the celestial kingdom.

Maret talks about how things are changing for the better.

It's an amazingly bright day and people are having a good time.

Sylvia is chilling under the shady purple tent.

Liz pulled an all-nighter sewing the new tent!

People have some food!

Shawn helps stabilize the tent against random gusts of wind.

The food is popular and delicious.

Some lovely table decorations-- a candle, wildflowers in small colored bottles and a real butterfly in a glass frame.

Another arrangement of bottles, wildflowers, and a butterfly in a frame. The tablecloths are purple.

It's Deborah's Tree! Artificial tropical plants, including this large palm tree, are corralled by cords decorated in fluttering fabric pieces.

These pretty fluttering flags mark off the event space.

Roslyn thanks everyone for coming.

People hang out for a long time afterwards. It's good to be together outdoors, everyone loves events and wants more!

Julie with the colorful fabric flags.

Elaine and Maret talk in the sun.

Liz hugs the big palm tree!

Julie, Roslyn and Liz wish everybody a Happy Deborah's Tree Launch Day!